I love hearing from happy clients about how the EMMETT Technique and ScarWork have improved their quality of life.

However, neither technique claims to treat illnesses, diseases, syndromes or medical conditions.

Therapies may help relax areas of tension and allow the area of the body treated to feel lighter and easier.  

All client stories are in their own words and are published here with their permission.

Each person is unique and may have their own individual responses.


Liz, Carmarthen, Emmett Technique for Serious Runner

I have been using EMMETT Technique for over 2 years and first discovered it at the Long Course weekend Expo in Tenby, S.Wales in June 2011. At the time, I was experiencing very tight gluteal area and was really struggling to run, I had tried stretching more and massage, but the tightness just seemed to be getting worse. I spoke with Judith at the event, and with about 5 mins of Emmett technique treatment ( mainly on my feet and IT band) the pain disappeared and I was fit to run. It was unbelievable!

I met Judith again a few months later at the Ironman Wales Expo, and again I was injured, this time it was my groin, and the injury was so sore I had been unable to run for 6 weeks. I asked Judith if she could recommend anything as I had been resting for 8 weeks already, and every time I attempted to run the pain was unbearable. After 5 mins of treatment (in my core muscles) I was fit and almost ran off the bed!

Over 6 months later in the build up of training for London marathon I experienced a stabbing pain in my knee whilst on a long run. I had to limp home and was unable to run. With this being the Wednesday before the Llanelli half marathon on the Sunday I was very upset. I saw Judith for an emergency appointment on the Thursday and was back running that evening, and did a PB in the race.

I have seen Judith regularly to prevent injury and as soon as I have a slight niggle I make an appointment and it’s very easily corrected.

I cannot recommend the technique enough and think it is something all runners should try. I have just completed my 2nd London marathon with a PB and experienced no pain and my muscles and body are fine afterwards.

I try and see Judith a few times in the lead up to big races to re-balance / iron out any slight niggles and this prevents imbalances which lead to other injures.


I was fortunate enough to have a wonderful EMMETT treatment from Judith on Saturday at Bath.

Before my treatment, I was feel ing overwhelmed and extremely exhausted. After my lovely treatment, I flt calm and able to carry on  with training.

As a fantastic bonus, not only was I able to carry on with archery, but my mobility was so much improved I performed far better than in that morning’s training.

Thank you so much for your wonderful care and treatment.

Back pain, shoulder pain, Frozen shoulder, Knee pain, Hip pain, Plantar fasciitis

GM, Llandeilo


Thank you for what you have done. I feel so much better today.

Last night was the first night in a very long time that I managed to sleep without having to take pain killers. I slept right though until my alarm woke me which is not normal for me.

The friend that recommended you was very pleased that I saw you and has been singing your praises.

I have recommended that my other friend email you for a chat to see if you could help her with her bad back.

(Long standing shoulder and neck pain and lack of movement. Emmett Technique made a dramatic difference in the first session.)

Carrie, Therapist, Swansea EMM-Tech Course

Easily explained, demonstrated and trained us in Emm-Tech [the introduction to EMMETT Course]

Relaxed and easy, well organised and caring.

Fiona Davies (now an EMMETT Practitioner herself)


I recently had a 10 minute session with Judith (EMMETT practitioner from S. Wales) at a holistic fair …which gave me pain relief and manoeuvrability in my neck I have not had for more than 18 months (despite lots of Chiro treatments!). I have now had full session with her and am blown away!

Since my last email I had a fall and badly sprained my ankle. When Judith worked on it 10 days ago I had just been told by the Doctor that it would be 4-6 weeks before I was up and about again. Four days after the session I was able to take my first steps without crutches and today am walking pain free, comparatively little swelling although it is quite stiff. Am looking forward to my next session on Thursday!

Emmett Technique for stiff and painful neck

Heidi and I were attending a seated acupressure course in London and I noticed that on the second day she was turning her body rather than just her head during class; she was also having problems carrying out the techniques. In the tea break I took her one side and asked if I could try to help. She told me that her neck muscles had stiffened over night after working hard the day before; also that anything I could do would be welcome.

Having sat her in a chair I carried out one simple procedure – 1 minute’s worth of treatment – and she was able to look right over her shoulder at me and just said ‘Wow – what did you do ???’

It was a wonderful moment for me too – at that stage I had only done 2 days of EMMETT training. Talk about an incentive to carry on!

Cheryl V. Mother of 6 week old baby

Can highly recommend Judith. She worked wonders with my little baby girl and her colic. She is much more settled and happier since having treatment with Judith.

Also, feeding better.

Big thank you.

Sarah, Therapist, Swansea Emmett Technique for Repetitive Strain Injury

Judith is an excellent EMMETT practitioner and is passionate about helping others. She worked on my hands and thumbs as I was having problems from RSI-like symptoms from massage.

After one session the pain eased considerably and over the next couple of days disappeared altogether.

I would highly recommend Judith if you are in any discomfort or pain.

P.W. – Integrated EMMETT and Bowen Therapies for a great result

Judith has sorted some of my musculo-skeletal problems over the years.

A pelvic misalignment/strain from pregnancy was resolved as if by magic within a few minutes of treatment – never to return again.

A long-standing problem with pain in my upper arm has slowly but steadily improved where other treatments hadn’t made any difference.

I feel that Judith is very much in tune during a treatment session and she always finds the ‘spot’ to make an almost immediate change!

Paul H.

After damaging a disc in my spine three years ago I have had daily pain both in my back, neck and along the sciatic nerve resulting in much restricted movement.
Numerous visits to my GP and physios have failed to fully correct the problem.

However, after a couple of hours with Judith I am virtually pain free and recovered all the previously restricted movement plus some I hadn’t noticed which Judith picked up on in the first session.

The EMMETT technique is nothing short of miraculous. For such a light touch, over clothing, to have such a marked and instant effect is incredible. The fact that Judith trained as an Occupational Therapist provides you with confidence in her application of the technique.

Judith is also very relaxed and calming and a very nice person, too. I can’t recommend her enough.

Clare – Invictus Games

Judith, so thought you might enjoy this, the result of your work.

2 days training at Bath for Invictus followed by a competition today. I won 1st place in the individual and team events.

No pain or stiffness – you’re amazing.

Thank you for giving your time to look after us.

Back pain, shoulder pain, Frozen shoulder, Knee pain, Hip pain, Plantar fasciitis

Ali Sparkes, Wellness Pharmacist, Neath

Highly professional Judith practises this gentle muscle manipulation technique with skill and depth of knowledge.

A warm sensitive individual she is a pleasure to spend time with and learn from.

EMMETT Technique for Bladder Problems

Jo attended for treatment during one of her episodes of cystitis for which she was receiving antibiotics on a fairly regular basis. Getting tired of repeat prescriptions, she wanted to try a new technique offered by Every Body’s Better.

One quick session using a gentle and simple EMMETT technique procedure helped with both the urgency to go to the toilet and the pain of the cystitis.